The explosion of Informational and communication technology (ICT) devices in the education has brought revolution in the educational assessment. The aim of Educational Assessments is to progress student learning. Educational Assessments provides students, parents/guardians, and teachers with valid data concerning their progress and knowledge of subject. One of the popular ICT based assessment devices these days is voting system. The Educator uses voting systems to do formative and summative assessment of the students and analyze about the students knowledge about the subject. The teacher later can remove the doubts of the students regarding the subject. The teachers find it very challenging to interact and get the feedback about the subject in a large group of students. Voting system ensures that student understands the fundamentals of the subject and the educator is being able to identify any misconception
The voting system involves the active participation of entire class. With the voting system students grab the subject matter at a faster pace and students enjoy the lessons during the classroom. Voting system employs wireless keypads that are being used by instructor to poll the students and get their feedback to the questions in the real time. Voting system use infrared or radio frequency technology to communicate with receiving device attached to the computer through USB. Voting system consists of wireless keypad for the students to give their answers as per the question format and a software program to capture the responses. Both student and teacher keypads contain keys such as true/false, yes/no, A-Z characters, 0-9 digits, decimal, fraction etc. Each student keypad has unique ID number that appears on the screen of the voting system allowing the introverted and withdrawn student to give his response secretly with confidence. The teacher starts the presentation or questionnaire with the voting system software installed on their computer. The questions being asked and the student responses are displayed on the screen.
The most important aspect of the voting system is the ability to get the engagement and attention of the students towards the lesson in the class. Voting system enhances the student involvement in the lessons and the discussion activities. Voting system assist the teachers to provide them a fair and equable means recording the student responses electronically. When using voting system each student feel free to express their own thought without fear of disapproval by the group or the teacher. Voting system shows the accurate and honest reports for the presentations or the questionnaire. The Voting System software shows student reports using graphs such as pie charts, bar charts etc and animated 3D games spontaneously. The best thing about the voting system is that the reports can be saved in computer in different file formats such as PDF, HTML, EXCEL etc .There is no need of pencil and paper to carry out tests or polls. The reports obtained by the voting system can be used to assess the students creating a student centric or personalized learning software.